Scarlet runners
The beans and the children. It was sponsored run day today (for the 'Mekong fund' which turns out to be nothing with helping former colonies, and all to do with helping folk in Europe, strangely). I had filled in the forms on the basis of the predicted "1 -5 km", but somehow our kids did 7 each. Best go to the bank tomorrow...
Meanwhile, my day started badly - with a 4 am waking - and got worse. I got up in the end, to avoid disturbing Mr B, with a vague feeling of unwellness that, half way through the catch-up ironing I was doing to the tune of the World Service (too early even for Farming Today!) turned into me feeling very poorly indeed. A return to bed thanks to the presence of Mr B, and four more hours sleep had me over the nausea and dizziness and feeling much better, if a little groggy. Not a day for outdoor gardening, but I did manage to get caught up on my seed planting, including these scarlet runner beans. (Now that I've finally sorted out in my head what all the beans are called: my mam confirmed this evening that we used to call them all different names when I was little.)
More Pink Panther tonight, since I forgot it is not a normal Tuesday as there is school tomorrow so it shouldn't really have been movie night. Tomorrow we are forecast warm dry weather, so we will of course be heading to the builders merchant to buy lots of wood. Sigh. I may have some time for gardening, including digging a big hole for a recently arrived plum tree.
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