Three trees and one boot
A title which somehow brought this Tim Minchin song to mind. And I've linked it just because it made me laugh out loud all over again, so it might you too.
To rewind. Painful start to the day as yesterdays dizzy nausea reappeared but was combined with a sleeping husband, meaning I had to drive the kids to school. They had a day out today learning all things Asian (karate, calligraphy (Chinese symbols), origame and something that TallGirl couldn't articulate in English and I couldn't follow in French). So packed lunches to be made, which is always a struggle for CarbBoy. He ended up with a duck and ketchup sandwich in a brioche roll (which is really just meat in cake - eek).
That gave Mr B and I an uninterrupted day of work... which we spent shopping. Expedition 1 was for long bits of wood (the man in the builders merchant shook his head in wonder (or shock?) at us carrying a 6m length on a roof rack). Actually that could all have come to a bad end but for a truck driver signalling vehemently to warn us that the load had shifted... Expedition 2 for the fixings for my garden fence, including gate, and the paint for the dining room featured the other day, which is not to my liking but well there you go. Expedition 3 was much more to my liking and is featured above. We had to go to two places to find somewhere that had a small fig tree (bought for me by my Mam for Christmas) and turned out they had forsythia dead cheap, so a couple of them fell into the basket too.
Tonight, roast lamb (a rare treat over here) and brussel sprout tops with bacon (yum - worth growing sprouts just for the tops, I'd say. Even Mr "sprout hater" B pronounced them 'very good'.)
Tomorrow, a lesson on directions with the little kids and on <<sigh>> Gangnam Style for the big ones (why did I ever think democracy in the classroom was a good idea?) TallGirl fears I may dance. I think she might give the lesson a miss...
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