It's bedtime, I've not taken any photos today, here's one of the Bear investigating the train I was using as a stand for the camera before he realised that's what I was doing and complained and took it off me.
Slow morning, nobody wanted to get up. Bean went out to keep Isaiah company through his sister's birthday party, and the Bear accompanied me mostly by sleeping on a lovely walk in the cold and sunshine through town on some errands. Which reminds me, I need to parcel up a painting to ship over to the US!! Hee hee. Exciting.
Got home and let Bear into the garden. Have I said he's started saying "mama" with real purpose? His first actual word. Pleased to bits :) He enjoyed being outdoors again, we hung the washing out and inspected the tadpoles, played boo in the playhouse, scratched about in the dirt.
Made some teacakes (well, currant bread buns) this evening. They smell good. I think that's why Bean and I are so hungry, because we can smell them...
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