Light Waves

I took a very early (dawn) trip to Salford Quays, getting back for a 10am coffee and croissant with J.

The Light Waves festival is on at present. It’s an after dark experience and attracts lots of people. It’s very different first thing in the morning - very few people, and no lights. But I enjoyed the stroll.

This floating earth sculpture is no doubt the stand out, and there will be zillions of images circulating of it illuminated online. All very “instagrammable”, to use a 2021 “word”.

It’s fate this year is a bit of a metaphor for where the planet is right now. It was previously positioned at Pennington Flash, but Storm Arwen put a stop to that. And then last weekend Storm Barra sank it here. It’s bobbed up again, so hopefully that’s a metaphor for our world’s resilience. With a lot of help from humankind.

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