
By Beewriter


I had a rather chilly swim this morning. The water was 6.6 degrees! Before we got in we were interviewed by some students from Media City. They will post the results when it is all complete. I dread to think what I will look and sound like.

It took a while to warm up when I got home and then I got myself ready for the Christmas Do. Wendy, Mike and I caught the bus into town and we met a few people in a bar where Wendy and I quite quickly became tipsy. We held onto poor Mike as we tottered to the hotel where we met everyone else. We hadn’t been there long when Wendy realised she had lost her Apple Watch. I went with her as we retraced our steps, phoned the bar and followed the ‘find my watch’ app….all to no avail. Poor Wendy was upset and it sobered us both up.

Wendy decided she had to just get on with it, it was just a expensive thing and no one was hurt. So we sought solace in a few more drinks and a bit of dancing. The food was terrible.

I was the only one there who was working the next day so I left in time to race across town and catch the last bus home. I was home just after midnight….and didn’t turn into a pumpkin!

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