Walkies with Olly

A chilly day, some fierce showers, hail too, but some fine spells.  Calm tonight.

Another long lie this morning, and a lazy morning around the house.  Met friend Julie for a cuppa, and walkies just before noon.  I popped down to Laura's in the afternoon.  Working in the shop tonight, more walkies, and then feet up.

A fine afternoon walk, and a new dog on the scene, Olly.  He's being re-homed, sadly like many other dogs who got new families during lockdown, and now doesn't fit into the daily routine.  He's down for a trial day, and seems to fit in very well, even Sammy was fine about him, not so much for poor Harold cat, and I can see him becoming Elise's best friend.  A strange mix, a collie spaniel cross, but a lovely nature.  Out for a walk trial, Elise and Olly, mam, Laura and Sammy.  Taken Midgate, Cunningsburgh.  

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