If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Poinsettia ( Euphorbia pulcherrima )

A plant we have every Christmas.  In the past, I have managed to take them through to "Flower" the next year.  I say flower but the bright red colour isn't petals they are leaves.  The flowers are little insignificant things in the centre.

My photography is a bit in the doldrums, I am not sure if it is my current lifestyle, too busy or lack of inspiration.  This is a shot of the Poinsettia in place in the living room.  I didn't even bother to light it.  I certainly wasn't taking it out to the studio,  They are very susceptible to draughts and will drop the leaves.  Don't buy them from places that put the display near the door and when you do buy take something to wrap the plant in for the walk from the shop to the car, no matter how short.

They are indigenous to Central America.  Members of the Spurge family which is a surprise.  The common name is because of the first US minister to Mexico, a gentleman by the name of Joel Poinsett.

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