TaTs - dawg & stuff

By tinksandtonks

Cradley Heath

A change from the wrist.

In February 2020 a tooth broke-
the dentist said a temporary filling would give me protection until I could arrange a longer appointment to look at alternatives.
Well getting to see a dentist in 2020 and most of 2021 was akin to winning the lottery (finally managed October 2021 because the pain was tolerable- pain killers for the wrist may have been a factor)

Apparently because the next tooth is also damaged ( 4 years of prescribed medication for the neuropathy caused crumbling- and who knows about my fragile wrists). So today I had a referral assessment at a more specialist surgery.
The appointment for extraction is in January and joy of joys my NHS registration is valid making it not so expensive.

Anyway Tesco Extra was built on the site of Cradley Speedway just along the road and a condition was 3 hours free parking so I was able to have lunch before going home.

This is the Cradley Column designed by Cradley artist Luke Perry celebrating the speedway (unveiled in September 2007 when the store opened).

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