
Himself set of to Limerick this morning to get a replacement for a large tool that arrived in a battered box and was a bit dented itself. He also wanted to got to B&Q in search of  kitchen work tops. It's a long haul and Dashboard Daphne took him the scenic route. Anyway, not fancying a 6 hour drive he's staying overnight and will meander back tomorrow.
I've been doing a spot of well work, mopping up after the washing machine which has leaked rather alarmingly, and went for a walk in the mizzle. I dropped a book off at P's and was accompanied on my circuit at first rather surreptitiously then very boisterously by her free range dog, Teasel. Teasel was unimpressed that we were only doing the circuit minor and thought we could have either done the long one, or gone round again. I sent her home up her boreen and wandered down to Kitchen Cove. Hang on, who was that silently creeping up behind me! I looked fierce and ignored her plaintive requests and while she was momentarily distracted, snuck off! 

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