
where we've been today?

Yup, IKEA. Of course, everything we went for was out of stock. We wanted some big plastic - (wash my mouth out) boxes for storing items in our soon to be new loft. Lots of boxes, no lids! a throw we were after, out of stock. We did manage to buy 10 cardboard packing boxes.

The place was deserted, so we felt quite safe wandering round. Until -  There were three youths just behind me in the queue for food. One sat in the trolley as he had a broken foot, kind of fair enough, but not really! They were very rowdy, laughing and shouting at each other, and NO masks!  They were just very high spirited, but I have no idea what they were doing wandering through the store. Several people were uncomfortable, including a member of staff, but who would challenge them? J felt they were hoping to be challenged, who knows? I was too busy facing away from them to ask where their masks were. Little s--ts!

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