Beer Money

The SK, knowing the way to my heart, ordered up a beer advent calendar in  early November. It never arrived. They dispatched another. It never arrived either. Finally, they sent a third, via a different courier - Yodel. It has arrived! The poor SK has been standing in, working as a one woman advent calendar, buying me a beer each day. She can stand down now, and go back to just cooking and ironing. Haw. 
Managed to squeeze in a film - the Killing of Two Lovers. Highly recommended!
Then a phonecall. Yet another journalist wanting to use my photo of Runagate - this time for Practical Boat Owner. And not only that, they pay £30! So, it’s official. I am now a professional photographer. Actually, a few years ago I was given £50 for an article in the Guardian. Professional photographer? I’m a professional photojournalist! 

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