River of Flowers

By doffy

Wednesday: December Blossom …

… flowering in Menai Bridge, have no idea what it is … 
I’d met up with The Tuesday/Wednesday Gang, had a lovely lunch with lots of friendly chatter. 
Quick walk to Waitrose and suddenly realised when I was turnIng into the car park that I hadn’t taken any photos, it was raining too …
Car Parking free in Anglesey between 10am and 6pm …
I’d gone to Menai Bridge via Llangefni, needed little Christmas gifts to share - Gingerbread Men tree decorations seemed to fit the bill, warned everyone that “they are NOT EDIBLE” …!!
On the Penmynydd road, near the bad corner and narrow bridge, noticed a sizeable pipeline running along the fields - need to find out what’s going on!
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

ADDED LATER: @Rhizowen on Twitter was kind enough to id the mysterious blossom as Prunus x subhirtella ‘Autumnalis Rosea’ :-))

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