River of Flowers

By doffy

Thursday: Blue Sky and Seagulls …

… and Philip the Pheasant !!
Another chilly day around 4°C with lots of sunshine which cheered me up, just a little frost overnight.
I was walking down stairs this morning when I noticed the seagulls soaring over the garage roof with the blue sky behind them, a perfect Blip!
The blackbirds have been helping themselves to the last of the Bramley cooking apples, I don’t begrudge them but I fancied making a last batch of compote. All the skin, bruised bits and cores were shared with the birds :-)
Yesterday I was looking through some of my past Blips and realised how nice it was during the Covid lockdown when we had Philip the Pheasant visiting our garden - apart from when he screeched and made us jump :-)) imagine my surprise to see our old feathered friend eating seeds under the bird feeders late morning.
We’ve got lots of starlings around too, there must be thousands of them in the murmeration at dusk which I’ve watched the last few days.
Lit the log burner late afternoon and had a phone chat with The Sailor.
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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