feet well travelled

By feettravelled


a beautiful day today for the wedding of two widowed grandparents
David and Irene.

the sun was out
the sky certainly was blue
and the church bells were ringing.

this little girl is the same girl from this blip......scrubs up well eh!?!
her, and her big sisters were bridesmaids for their grandad and looked stunning.
it was a hard choice today for my blip!!

then in the evening a couple of friends came over for dinner.
the sun was still shining and it was lovely and bright.
felt like summer
good food, good friends and the sunshine.

brother update:
still in hospital. feels a lot better but they have found that he does have an infection. due to his exisiting heart conditions they are exerting more power and keeping him in again another night. will hopefully be transferred to newcastle hopsital (where he lives) tomorrow.

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