Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2021 Tuesday — Birthday Present

The mail person just delivered a package. The birthday boy was delighted. Our granddaughter Ashly sent him a model to build of a Chevy pick-up truck.
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I’ve waited till the midnight hour to upload my congratulations, my celebration of the birthday person.

The thought that I’ve mulled all day . . . “He was 19 when I married him.” That seems like another lifetime ago. Today he’s blowing-out 76 candles.

I’ve spent way too many years in a classroom, but being married to Mr. Fun has been an education outside of the classroom. Our story started with mud on our faces as we said “I do” when we were a 15 and a 19 year old.

No one thought the mud could turn to magnificence. But when the One Who created mud walked into our lives He changed the mud. If Jesus can change water into wine, and He can, then He can do anything He wants to with mud.

The story is so unbelievable and that’s why we tell it. I watched Mr. Fun exit 19 and enter year 20. Now he’s entering 76. Mr. Fun, my funny man, . . . Happy Birthday to You! I love you beyond words. AND Jesus loved both of us enough to die in our place, to take the punishment for our sin, to be our Savior. Jesus became our Lord on our 10th wedding anniversary and what He did and is still doing with the mud in our lives can only be called a miracle. Together we will thank God forever and ever.

Happy Birthday Mr. Fun!
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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