
By soozsnapz

Ha I cheated!

We don’t have a beautiful snowy scene at my bird feeder this morning, it’s just grey and brown, though the blue tits are here:) This is my lovely Countryfile calendar in my kitchen, and the December page is the best!
The second Bad Thing from yesterday came to pass today. I was going to Edinburgh for a week at Christmas, with a friend from London and two friends from Orkney. We booked in March and we thought it would be ok by now.  It was a beautiful town house beside the water of Leith. We met on zoom today to make a decision. 
Key points were: 
- apparently the hospitals in Edinburgh are already under pressure
- as our plans would involve airports, planes, cafes, art galleries, buses, seeing other friends as well, were we putting ourselves at risk?
- were we being responsible citizens?
- what would we do if one of us did get the virus? we wouldn’t be able to travel home, would we have to isolate in a hotel for 10 days? 
So we decided, very sadly, not to go. 

PS having had a good look at the photo - there is no food  in the bird feeder! Terrible.  At least by staying at home for Xmas I’ll be able to put out plenty of bird food daily.  They’re getting through so much at present. The darlings. 

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