
Today's the day ...................... to signwrite

There's a new bookshop that has opened in Kirkcudbright - a very welcome addition to the shops in the main street.

It's called Gallovidia Books and today, two signwriters were up high on stepladders, carefully painting the letters on to the fascia board above the windows.  There was something oddly fascinating about the meticulous care they were taking - and several people stopped to watch them.  Of course, they had to put up with a string of helpful suggestions, such as "Should that not be a double L there?" or "You've missed a bit ..." - They steadfastly managed to ignore everyone - but in a cheerful way.

There can't be many independent, locally-based bookshops who are brave enough to open an actual shop in these restricted and worrying times.  I hope they do really well ......................

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