By 3 o'clock today we'd only done 2000 steps, so we set off for a walk from the house. There are still plenty of places we have never been, even though we've lived here for 25 years.
As we went through some houses we'd never seen A thought he saw a cat run under a car. When I looked to see, it turned out to be a rabbit. I knocked at the house door, and the lady was very grateful to be told her rabbit was loose.
As we approached the big M42 roundabout I was trying to work out the safest way round it as a pedestrian. Then what did I spy but a lovely spread of coltsfoot. I'd been complaining bitterly that I hadn't seen any this year. Sorry the shot is pretty poor, but it was very windy, a narrow footpath with petrol tankers whizzing by, so I could not give it my full attention.
Still I'm a great believer in serendipity, one rabbit rescued, wild flowers spotted. All because we took the route we took. And we made it to 10,000 steps!
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