Meth Lab....ex meth lab...

Well, a neighbour of ours (rental) burned down his meth lab a few days ago. Which isn't a bad thing.

You'd think that when he blew up his shed last year that it was a message from God that he was a crap chemist, but alas, he didn't get the message. It would seem he has a calling in explosives though. I say "has", I really mean "had". He's in hospital now with what I'm told are 50% burns.

I want to feel some sympathy for him, but, I'm having trouble. Meths is a horrible drug to get addicted to, making it and enslaving other people in your own misery is not a 'human' thing to do. I hear stupid people on the internet saying "legalise drugs" as if will solve these problems. It doesn't, it just ensnares a few more weak souled people into taking something like meths.

Had a 15 year old on a forum the other week telling me how alcohol was bigger killer than "drugs". Or the guy on a forum telling everyone how he wouldn't mind his daughter experimenting with heroin....face it, the human race is pretty much doomed.

Anyway, when this place blew up it increased property prices throughout the neighborhood.

If you are wondering whether the fire did much for the value of the property - not really. It was an eye sore to start with.

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