New zoom arrived!

Yeehar, now have a 70-300mm zoom. Finally. Been wanting one for ages as my 80-200 just doesn't quite have the reach I want.

But being the worlds biggest tight ass meant I was going to cut as many corners as I could find, namely a ProMaster 70-300 EDO lens. Get that - EDO. For 50 whole do US Dollars I get a lens with a three letter acronym.

I believe ProMaster is actually a rebadged Tamron, but I might keep that to myself. Wouldn't want anyone to think I bought anything half decent. Appearances to keep up.

A friend does have a Tamron 70-300 and it's quite a decent performer. Not that my ProMaster is.....Not sure of it's actual image quality as this was shot through a screen mesh as I didn't really have time to play with it. Also focus is pretty slow, not that I'm too worried about that.

I do have one specific photograph in mind over the next few weeks though that I want this lens for....Running Man. There is a guy who runs and runs all over town. He obviously has an issue, but he hoists the American flag high, and continually runs all over town, mile after mile. There's a shot of him that I have in mind with this lens.

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