Date (almost like James Bond)

Funeral of our acquaintance today. She was an elderly lady, friend for my parent's-in-law. As grandpa was not in good condition enough to attend the funeral, I promised to keep him company, while grandma went to the funeral with my husband.

So we had good time together, me and grandpa. I had already studied and found some of his relatives far to 1600's - and now it was a good time to show him a glimpse of his family history.

He did not know so far of his history at all, so we studied the places and stories behind these people in Finnish project together. It was now cleared to him, that as a young man he has been working for the same manor, that his family sometimes has owned! It must have been a huge finding for him!

He was so happy about the journey to history. Arriving back to nearer our times, grandpa also told me colorful stories about his father's brothers and his father's mother. I wrote everything down. So interesting!!!

Coming back home from the country me and hubby went to a small Chinese restaurant. It is my favourite, the one and only and the best of the city. It is called "Pikkukiinalainen" (the Little Chinese). And I told my husband stories, that his father had told me earlier. It was all new to him.

So I figured that we had kind of a date. Like I'd be dining with James Bond - or almost anyway!

-0c outdoors, still icy and slippery conditions. Hate slippery.


Ps. Corona situation is getting worse and worse. Hospitals of worst areas have been taken into highest alert. Omikron in flooding in, experts say. Nonvaccinated can contaminate vaccinated, as almost all of the vaccinated have had already 4-6 months time since they had the second jab. The problem seems to be that omikron has attacked too fast. We apparently have no plan how or when to give the third jab. Good news is, that we have enough vaccinations for third jabs, but there is not plan, nor system or enough staff to give jabs, plus Christmas is coming.

We have also a problem, as my husband (in the blip) is about to leave in Peking Olympics at 24.1.22, and it would be a great Christmas present that he'd not have corona contamination before he leaves. He will have his third jab after Christmas, we hope, but to prevent any contaminations, we plan that every family member makes a sars-covid home test berofe attending to our Christmas celebration in grandparent's home....

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