Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


I didn't sleep well last night, too many things to think about along with worrying thoughts zooming around my brain I think! I seem to be turning into a right old moan these days, my apologies and feel free to skip those bits!
The weather was mixed today but generally rather misty although there were bright sunny periods too. The story of my life really!
We had a productive day today. The tree is up in the lounge and hopefully by tomorrow the branches will have recovered from being tied up in a net for a week and will have dropped to a softer position ready for me to decorate.
We had our new interconnected smoke and heat alarms fitted today. Scottish government has responded to the Grenfell Tower tragedy and from February 2022 it will be compulsory to have interconnected heat and fire alarms in every house. They can be battery operated and wireless or wired into the mains. We went for the former, apart from the need for a lot more redecoration if they had been hard wired, being an older house wiring things in is often complicated so we dodged it this time. It's not cheap though and even though I could probably have set it all up my self, just sometimes it's nice to be able to get somebody else to come and do it for us! I do wonder how the less well off will manage. Hopefully it will be a landlord's task but that doesn't help those struggling with a mortgage.
We popped into Stockbridge after that and picked up a couple more things. I then went on a fruitless hunt through all the supermarkets for Lindor Chocolate tree decorations. I've been looking for a while so today made a concerted effort. Everywhere is showing unavailable on line and I couldn't find any in a store either. I've got some Lindt Christmas tree teddies, but I'm a real Lindor fan. Christmas just won't be the same!
When I got home I noticed that the angel fish were hanging around the filter in the tank. They have been doing that for a couple of days now so I've been keeping an eye on them. Today, sure enough, the female has laid eggs. If you look at the two smaller pictures in the collage you can see a tiny egg emerging and in the other small picture she is pressing it to the filter. The male's role is to pass over all of the eggs fertilising then I assume. Sadly they usually then turn cannibal and the babies rarely hatch let alone survive.
My extra today is of the moon in the beautiful soft toned sky. I tend to think of a pink sky like this as a Colin Baxter sky. He produced many popular prints and postcards in similar tones in (I think) the '80s.
Keep safe folks. If we look after each other we look after ourselves along the way!

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