A Drive in the Snow

I saw a "herd" of 35-40 sandhill cranes, but the distance and the visibility did not make for a good picture. So, the "twin" horses get the blip.

We woke up to a couple of inches of snow on the ground. I decided to drive to the national cemetery to get a picture of the wreaths in front of the headstones. The problem? This is the day when they were placing the wreaths, and I couldn't even get close. Maybe tomorrow.

In some sad news, we learned tonight that our dear Florida neighbor Faye passed away this morning. She had lived a long full life (95 years), but still, the end always makes you sad.

I'm glad I got a horse picture today, because, as classy as a person as Faye was, she had a "horsey" laugh, and I always tried real hard to get the laugh out of her.

I never heard a bad word come out of her mouth, she was always quick to smile, and she was perhaps the nicest person I have ever met, and for me that is saying a lot, because I have met some nice people.

Florida won't be the same without her. Our hearts are heavy.

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