Big Night In
Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,
The Eldest Mini Princess is home! It’s lovely to have her home. It feels much more Christmassy with the 5 of us. Murphy was VERY EXCITED to see her and then even happier because Terry (her boyfriend) came round and they took him out for a walk. Murphy LOVES Terry because Terry gives him lots of attention. I suspect that Murphy thinks other human beings could learn a thing or two from Terry!
The Prince and I were supposed to be heading out with Kitty Cat and Marsh to Stockbridge for dinner and drinks but we decided it would be more sensible just to have pizza and drinks at their house instead*.
We didn’t drink a silly amount but it was 2.30 am before we knew it. My favourite evenings will always be sitting round a kitchen table.
*Turned out to be a good move - the bar had sent the entire kitchen staff home earlier in the day to get pcr tests because one of them had tested positive for covid.
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