New Office Layout…

Hi Everyone,

I was up early and dropped the car off at the garage for it’s MOT, I rode the Brompton home and got busy there. 

I changed my home office around and linked both desks together and moved the monitors away from the window. I still have some tweaking to do but it does feel like it is a change for the better.

The car passed with no advisories, and I collected it in the afternoon. It was quite a relief to have passed as I have some more jobs to get done before Christmas and need the car to do them.

I am not looking forward to tomorrow as the log man is coming and I will need to move them to the rear of the house. Hopefully the weather will be kind to me. I am going to push tomorrow to get everything done for Christmas then I can relax for a few days.

As the job hunting is not bearing to much fruit, I will try to move things forward in the workshop and run it more like a business/job and hopefully occupy myself with that.

Stay happy, strong, and healthy… more tomorrow.


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