The answer

I love this so familiar, but of course sad, picture by Van Gogh. The jigsaw was very difficult. In fact I tried it a while back and gave up. A few weeks ago I tried again and this time I have completed it. You do learn a lot about a painting whilst working on a puzzle - every brush stroke is there.

An interloper?
When I blipped the Jane Austen jigsaw a month ago I noticed the same figure as Jeanne had - a person who seemed out of place. I was intrigued and, finding the artist Barry Falls has an Instagram account, I left him a message saying how much I had enjoyed the puzzle, but I had a question. He came back with the answer: the person is a 'randomer', after all the gentry and named characters, he decided to add a few peasants. So that's it, I haven't tried to find any more 'randomers', but it's interesting isn't it. 

I found 'a randomer' is an unspecified person of no importance. There aren't many such people in an Austen novel, if any, although of course they must have been around. 

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