Let the sticks fall where they may. Or should that be chips?

I woke up ready to smash the interview! Had a cup of tea and toast and honey in bed with an orange juice yum.

It went really well, even the test! It feels like such a lovely place to work. Everyone so friendly. And had good rapport with interviewers.
When they asked me what I had planned for the rest of the day I said I was temping atm so would be in work.
When I finished work I had 2 missed calls and a voicemail from the interviewer saying she wanted to speak to me in relation to interview earlier and she knew I was working but to call her if I could and if not she would call back after 5. Which she did as I had a missed call at 5.15 but I missed it as I don't finish til 5.30!
So waiting til tomorrow now on tenterhooks...

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