
By Brotographer

Paris Is Always So Near II

A lot of things I said back in Part I still hold true. Although I've realized since that using a 10-20 or similar wide angle might make it a lot easier to capture the essence of parisian architecture (did I mention its my favorite kind?).

So after saying bye bye to my grandma, train down from Brussels this morning and headed to our apartment in Paris. Took this photo on Place des Ternes, between buying a waterproof watch and some new earphones (about time!). Went for a walk around with my mom in the evening, and ended up running into several people, including Anthony, an old friend. Its cool a lot of people still come back here regularly, even though we've all spread out.

Really, I miss everything about Paris, even the bad stuff. Its crazy, but this city will always be that place, it seems. I just hope I end up living here again at some point.

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