By lizzie_birkett

In Isolation…

Not us, the elves! That was an easy way out last night when Sabrina and John were tired. I don’t think the girls believe it all anyway.

Amelia had skating again this morning at 7am. Granddad ask her ot was too much after the Gala last night and she looked at him incredulously.
‘No Granddad! I love skating more than anything in the world!’

Sabrina has been working from home upstairs today and John has stuff to do in his work shop so we have been mostly on our own with the girls but they have been good as gold and played nice together all day. 
Lucy has been writing a song and Amelia learning some piano from Frank. Both have been colouring in and playing caterers with Playdoh, making party food.

I did some cleaning and polishing, Frank made lunch for the grown ups and  also made a Jamie Oliver vegan gravy for Christmas Day. Sabrina still has to make the Jamie nut roast to go with it.

It’s raining outside and cold but Frank and I and the girls are going in the hot tub. They love having time with us in there singing songs and playing silly games.

I haven’t had time or peace to watch the news so I have no odea what os going on in the world. Maybe not a bad thing! 

Thanks for all the lovely comments, stars and hearts for yesterday’s Blip.

Stay safe and well. ;-)X

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