By lizzie_birkett

Wee Millie

She’s made herself at home. Bella is tolerating her but we must feed them separately or Bella snarls at her.
I gave Millie her dinner in the hallway but she wouldn’t eat it so I let her back in and she went straight to the kitchen and scoffed Bella’s leftovers!
Bella eats vegetarian dog food and won’t touch Millie’s meat based one, she sniffs it and walks away. 
Dogs are so funny in their ways. It’s all rivalry. They are fine together when out for a walk but in the house Bella has to be top dog!
I had planned to bake mince pies and stollen this morning but bureaucracy
took over the best part of the day. Trying to sort out moving from Craven Council to Cumbria council for when Tonya and Yurii move to Kendal and also the housing benefit and the arrangements for picking ip the keys from the estate agents on 9th of January. It’s very complicated and Tonya and Yurii don’t understand all the jargon - neither do we! We are getting there slowly but surely - I hope! Homes for Ukraine are quite helpful. 
The lady who came to welcome them when they first arrived in August cam back to see them today and phoned my later on to answer some questions.
I daresay there will be more emails tomorrow :-/

It’s been quite warm today and I took Millie out with just my hoodie on.
Frank is still coughing like mad and is very tired and a little irritable understandably, it’s been going on too long.
Hairdresser tomorrow. Little Lucy gave me a makeover the other day and said ‘Grandma your hair is grey just here!’ Pointing at the roots. Haha!

I’m really tired now and had a headache most of the day so my bed beckons. Sorry for lack of comments, too much going on.
Goodnight Blippers ;-) X

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