Festive at Lonahoul

A fine day, mostly cloudy, and then showers started in the late afternoon and evening.  Fairly calm all day.

Up fairly early, and Julie had breakfast ready.  A morning spending time with the family.  Me and mam packed up, also Julie and the lasses, and we headed south.  We stopped off at Bonhoga for lunch, and then said our Merry goodbyes.  Picked up Sammy from Madeline's, along with a cuppa, then headed walkies.  Cleaned the spare room, and more Christmas cleaning.  Quiet evening, might try a festive pint later.

It's looking like I won't make it to Unst over the festive, due to work, so it was great to get along Julie and family before hand.  Presents delivered, greetings wished, and hope for a healthy and better New Year.  The lasses really are growing up too quick, so any excuse to see them is much appreciated.  L-R - Anna, Julie, Lottie and mam.  Taken at Lonahoul, Haroldswick, Unst. 

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