Hints of a Rainbow

A fairly cloudy day, the odd sunny spell, and loads of showers. 

Up early, and got ready for a funeral, back home by noon.  Popped down to Laura's in the afternoon.  An early shift in the shop this evening, and what a busy night! Loads in for bits and pieces for Christmas day.  Glad of feet up this night! 

Such a sad day today, with the funeral of Debbie Scott.  She was such a lovely lass, and we clicked as friends instantly.  She used to turn up at my house in Lerwick for parties, and I had no idea who she was, but our friendship soon blossomed.  Due to Covid-19, we've only seen each other in passing, with plans to meet up soon, which sadly won't happen anymore.  A lovely service, with her own music playing.  My thoughts are with her son, partner, family and friends, much loved by so many.  On my way home, some faint rainbows appeared, which to me has always meant a sign of loved ones close by.  The rainbow over the red house, looking over Meal, Burra.  

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