
As I lay in the bed this morning waiting for the alarm to ring I was reflecting on the fact that 29 years ago today my brother and I lost our father. He was returning with our mother from a winter’s break in Portugal and on the train back north he took a sudden heart attack. While he had previously had cardiac issues this was very sudden and traumatic. He was 68.

Each year as we approach Christmas the memories of him come back more intensely.

I recall the odour of his work clothes and aftershave. In summer time he enjoyed the sun – something I have inherited – and the aroma of Hawaiian Tropical sun oil used to hang in the air.

I have visual memories reinforced through photographs. But I was thinking what physical thing might I have of him?

I know that somewhere there is a watch he got in Egypt during the Second World War. There are some naval badges. There are some things he bought and passed on: Ihave and still use many of his work tools for DIY. But what else that was personal?

And then I remembered the hat he wore in later years which I occasionally still wear. So in memory of him today, here it is.

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