Things will look worse before they look better

A quick shot just before dark.
Our garden looks pretty rubbish at the moment.
We've made new flower beds but there's nothing to put in them yet and there's still a lot of tidying up to do.

Last night badgers dug up the bed I'd prepared for the beans and peas, so I had to make a quick protective tent after I planted them out today. A seagull sat on the chimney pot laughing at me as I was pegging the mesh down.
Tess has sown some pea and bean seeds in the same bed so that we'll have another crop to follow. I've also planted mange tout today and have been squeaking at all the new seedlings appearing in the trays in the garage and boiler room now that they're getting enough warm sun. I've noticed myself saying "Hello!" when I see new plants appearing. Tess planted some mixed sunflower seeds a couple of weeks ago and now has over 20 seedlings.

It was definitely a lot less cold again today and we've just heard on the weather forecast that the wind is finally changing direction in a few days.

Mostly just me and Tess at home today - Richard was working, Gemma's been with Dan at his house for the last couple of days, and Joel had an ICT coursework catchup session at school today (there's dedication for you!). Tess has been amusing and bemusing me non-stop with her original observations and impulses. She took it upon herself to reorganise her clothes cupboard today after I said her room was a mess. I had to force her to stop and eat lunch. Funny girl. This afternoon she was climbing trees and smashing things in the garage and I had to ask her to stop trying to kill herself so she said okay but then immediately climbed to the top of a tree again. She's also been lying belly down in the empty flowerbed (in the photo) and digging dreamily.

I must try and take a decent photo soon. There's been a lot of rubbish recently!

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