Basket Case

A shop for the Christmas treats. The fridge is packed. And so few days to guzzle it all in! Then to Auntie Joan to enjoy a festive sherry and Bakewell tart and back to wrap presents. 
And then… back to zoom pub night. Yep, the boys are all being careful or perhaps we all just realise that we’d not be the most welcome people in the world if we caught the covid down the pub and ruined all our families Christmases. And it was a good session. Not all great news though, with F’s ransacking and MrW back in the Western. He valiantly kicked off the zoom session from the corridor outside his ward where he’d just been re-admitted. 
He related his admission. Only clear fluids said the medic. What about my tea, enquired the ever organised Mr W, realising that the sandwich shop was soon to close. It’ll be fine with no milk, she replied. No, ma tea! How we laughed.
That’s a class thing, that. It’s suppah when talking to the consultant, MrW. The nurses would have understood. 

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