twinned with trumpton


Now, where was I...? Oh yes...

With no contact from up the road, I plodded on with a resigned air until my fears were confirmed at lunchtime. 

(There's ways of checking, but its always good to get the great news from the horse's mouth)

I set about securing sausages from Bower's and a book en route and logged in for afternoon of hard graft at Hers.

Predictably up and down, and eventually up. She cancelled Nicola, and went out for supplies whilst I plodded off in search of a Christmas tree down Canonmills way. (It gave me the opportunity to enjoy some fresh air and take a couple of photographs)

Back up to chilli and a less chilly reception as the tree got erected and present wrapping continued

The contractual obligation of Edinburgh's  blippers to snap a big wheel or a star flyer has been fulfilled for this winter.

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