Killing it (Day 2420)

An early start for a wander up the hill with Sigyn before a 7am trip to Tesco. It was busier in there than I would have liked and I was really surprised by the number of folk wandering around wearing masks as chin hammocks. They either don't have the balls to discard the mask completely, or they are just stupid. Or perhaps both.
Home for breakfast then into town to collect some bits and change an immersion element in a hot water cylinder. While waiting for the cylinder to drain I saw the notification on my phone that an old friend has accepted my friend request on Facebook - W, if you are reading this, there is something in the post for you.
The immersion swap went fairly well, with no major problems, and I was home for lunch and a wander at Lyde with Sigyn. She was in a playful mood today and spent a while murdering a bit of heather. There is another shot as an extra
I headed for Birsay afterwards to deal with a kitchen tap which was leaking, and decided the best option was to replace it.
Back in time for a trip across to the horses with my beautiful wife just as it was getting dark.
Dinner tonight with S&C should be a giggle.

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