Flower (Day 2419)

The day started with a quick trip to town to get pellets for the boiler, then back home to unload all 890kg of them. 
First proper job of the day was through in Stromness. Changing a flush button on a toilet cistern should be a relatively simple job, but it took an hour and a half of swearing to get it fitted and working properly. Concealed cisterns are all well and good until something goes wrong and everything has to be fixed through a tiny hole in the front. 
When I finished, eventually, I decided to take a drive past the horses, and caught my beautiful wife as she was leaving to head home. 
Back home for lunch, then a very damp wander with Sigyn in the drizzle at Lyde. After a quick change at home, I headed off again to meet up with S at his new house to have a bit of a blether about heating. While I was there I did a temporary fix on the kitchen tap, and got the immersion running.
I had a leaky shower to look at when I left S's, the customer was hoping for a quick fix, but it is going to need a complete rip-out and re-fit. Not the sort of news the customer wanted before Christmas.

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