
I gave up at 1600 today and put my OOO on. There was me and one other person in my programme working and I know she was only there because I was. I told her to stop.

I've also cooked a ham, made Christmas apple pie filling and started clearing all my work stuff out of the dining room so we can use it. TA1 has finished her last shift, although she's back on 27th so her work clothes are currently on the clothes airer in there but they'll be out by Saturday. She's also managed to leave her phone in the car belonging to the guy who gave her a lift home... And he's on his way to Derby! She's not happy.

Tomorrow is food prep, wrapping (I can't leave it much later) and then we're going to the pub before a nice casual meal out later. 

The extra is last nights traditional Christmas Eve Kebab. A few days early. . I always get everyone's chillies.

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