
By FarmerGirl

A different looking farm...... that we have had some rain. This photo was taken on the 15th March, and shows a very burnt off farm in the grips of a drought. Since the 15th March, we've had 113 mms of very welcome rain.

While we haven't got an abundance of grass, it is certainly growing, and a heck of a lot greener than 3 weeks ago. We've dried 40 cows off, and are still feeding out silage, but we have managed to get through the worse drought that we can recall in 20 odd years.

The bare paddock in the picture was one of our turnip paddocks. This has just been re-sowed back into grass, and that seed should be striking any day now.

Today is sunny, although we have a wind, which is rather chilly. Yep, autumn is certainly here.

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