Amandine's Plot Treize

By AmandineJardine

Christmas amaryllis (Hippeastrum 'Rilona')

I thought I should share my amaryllis epic fail with a "No amaryllis flower on Christmas Day" picture.

In previous years, I did what most people do: started thinking about Christmas amaryllis bulbs when they appeared in the shops and bought one in November to enjoy a beautiful display around Christmas and New Year. 

This year, I thought I'd step up my game and grow my own bulb to have something unusual, and so I bought an orange amaryllis ('Rilona')... much too late...

I can't say I didn't know you have to start amaryllis bulbs in late August for them to flower around Christmas but I wasn't that bothered because I'm really not that big on Christmas. But I must admit I thought I'd have at least a strong and medium size stem by late December! Part of the issue is the last few weeks have been *so* dark most of my plants are just getting by at the moment. 

Except the great thing with gardening is you can't fail - you always learn and enjoy something along the way, with is what I love so much.

So Happy Christmas and may 2022 bring beautiful orange amaryllis flowers at home and a thriving plot on the allotment!

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