A year
Is lying ahead of me. Do you remember the first school day after the summer vacation? Everything was new. The block notes still clean, the new books carefully covered with some heavy paper for protection. The pencils long and sharp . I get a very similar feeling of anticipation and excitement when I look into my clean new calendar for 2022. Since six years I buy the French Country Calender for myself. It is so beautifully created that I wish I could only write pleasant, light and joyful things into it.
But the chances are not so good….
A grim day, temperatures barely above freezing, wind and lots of hail. Some bouts of sun too, as if this were April.
Today I felt like shopping. So inspite of knowing that I will rarely have an opportunity to wear something really nice, inspite of thinking: I will die soon anyway, so why bother, inspite of knowing that none of the clothes will look on me the same as on the models, I spent some money on myself. Sometimes I need that ….
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