
By Pictastic

A change of scene…and a whale hunt!

Woke up to a very misty grey scene here…again and really fancied a change of scene. So, after a lazy morning, in the afternoon we took a drive down to Fife. I’d read about sightings of a humpback whale in the Forth estuary and fancied our chances.

First stop was a lovely beach at Aberlour, there were rock pools, both a black sand beach and golden sands and an impressive view of Edinburgh castle in the far distance. However no whale…yet. I checked Facebook again as I had joined some sort of local whale spotting group on there (on the way down in the car!) and sure enough, they’d seen it further east so another short drive to another picturesque harbour where we saw a small crowd. Ailsa, one of the group and clearly an enthusiast lent us an extra pair of binos and told us where and how to look for the humpback. Sure enough, saw it a few times. Too far and too quick to take a picture but enough to get the rhythm of the creature with its 3 blows and then a dive routine. Very happy to know that they are there and was a perfect spot of brightness at the edge of the fog. Also nice to think of a good point to social media, when we are usually decrying it! :)

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