Scattered Polaroids

By sp

We were up in good time, thankfully not feeling too bad after our extensive cocktail consumption. After a brief delay to find the home of a dog who was wandering around the street with no collar (her owner was entirely not fussed), we met the Knights for a walk around Mill Pond. It was a bit too wet for Amy to ride her fancy new bike, but she had a good time feeding the ducks and splashing in puddles. So lovely to see them all.

We headed home for a quick lunch, then out for another walk with Ma and Harry - this time to see Grandma. We all had hot chocolates with a splash of Baileys in, and a little mince pie. Delightful.

Got home just before it got dark, and were soon joined by Selena back from work. Another huge dinner to eat up more leftovers, including some brought back from Dorset.

We played games for a few hours, with more cheese and more booze. As if we needed more.

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