A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Ice creammm.

Another blue sky & sunshine day today :)

Trip today for play scheme was butterfly world. Horrible! I am not exactly a fan of butterflies (don't get me started on moths) and had forgotten just how much I really really don't like them flying about me. While the girl I was with calmly watched the mini waterfall and let butterflies land on her without really acknowledging them at all, I was getting in a flap.

Thankfully as it became clear she wasn't at all interested in the butterflies we made for the garden centre instead. The tanks of brightly colour fish and various water features brought her great delight and me slight panic only when we reached the tanks that didn't have their covers over and plastic bags poking out with fish adjusting to new water. Hands were kept down though so we were able to enjoy it :)

Then off to Vogrie for lunch...lovely to picnic out in the fresh air :)

Final day of playscheme tomorrow...it's been nice to keep busy while most people are away and I'm thankful for having a job that's doing something I mostly am able to enjoy, but am looking forward to going back to a slightly less intense pattern of work :)

And the bowl was a bowl of ice cream...quickly consumed before I remembered that I wanted to take a picture.

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