
I actually took this photo 8 years ago and someone, seeing it on Facebook, said it would be a good Blip. It took me another year to psych myself up to Blipping.

Nostalgic for 2 reasons. The first - I was going to a party. How do those work again? And the 2nd - Now I look back to my late 60s and wish I’d worn pretty shoes more often. Those were the days before a broken right ankle and an op for arthritis on my left foot, so now getting pretty (and comfortable) footwear is almost impossible.

It’s been mild but wet all day. We drove to town for Mr C to go to Sainsbury to get our contribution for Hogmanay dinner and for me to get my hair cut. (Adam works alone in a spacious airy place wearing his mask so I hope I’m safe for Friday night).

We dropped off the family fiddles at #3 daughter’s. Ella wants to learn (though I don’t see the point as she didn’t practice her guitar) and #2 daughter wants her fiddle back. She got taught at school when we lived here in the 70s as the traditional music festival was popular. I know one of the instruments was made by an ancestor but I’ve forgotten which of the three fiddles and which ancestors, if I ever knew. All the bows are gutless but the fiddles still look in good order. There’s even rosin in the cases.

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