Place: St Pete Beach, FL 68/77
Main activity: Wed - 4dogs, downtown
Notes: Awake in the 4a hour again, Early writing and then enjoying my YouTube snowy fire cabin scene in the quiet of pre-dawn (the window and palm tree behind keeps me based in reality). Did the walks w/ 4dogs and then went to see a possible shared house situation in Broadwater. A few good things about it but too many that just won't work for me but gave it full consideration. Heard from Joe on way back that his pool people had arrived so ate, showered and he picked me up just before 11a and we headed downtown for our outing. Was so packed, you'd think it was NYE - in fact all day, I've been thinking it's Friday. Drove briefly into Snell Isle and showed him Christy's old house. Tried to check out the new Pier but never could find a spot. Drove around for awhile then and we were nearly giving up when we found a spot. Had lunch at Bella Brava - understaffed and every part took way too long but was nice. Can't believe the whole time downtown and I didn't think to take any pictures - kicking myself. Another rinser when we returned. People at 600/700 decided to play cornhole in the evening - loud bangs that sounded like gunshots and lots of yelling (very disturbing - thankfully didn't go too late). Called Joe and ended up chatting for over an hour until almost 930p!

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