Garden Sunset

On the dog walk I had a chat with a lady who I have seen many times on the dog walks.  She said there was a dead sheep in the field and was trying to get hold of the farmer through the village facebook site.  Thanks to her swift action, the farmer was contacted and the sheep survived - it wouldn't have survived much longer as it had got stuck on its back - so well done to her.

This afternoon I spent a long time watching the latest Jane Lazenby Tutorial on creating textures - then using them.  I am reasonably competent with Photoshop and understood - more or less - but some will be finding it tough.  Extra of a dancer with a created textured background,

I noticed the sky early evening with superb colours and thought it would make a good background - which it will. Here is the full sky behind the oak tree in the garden - a few minutes later the colour had all gone; light is very fleeting.

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