Here we Go, Here we Go, Here we Go……

Had no idea when I woke up this morning that it wouldn’t be anything other than the old usual of a day, but when the rallying cry came from LeeAnne at 9:30am to say she could pick me up at 11:30 if I wanted to drive with her to Pittenweem for a dook in the tidal pool, off came the clothes, on went the bathing cozzie and the Dry Robe and off we went.

The east Neuk of Fife is not the easiest place to get to but it was worth it for the new experience of a different location of the cold North Sea not to mention the almost balmy air temperature.

We met up with LeeAnne’s friend and her mother, making a foursome for Fish and chips in Anstruther once we had dooked and fought the wind to get dressed again.
It was a lovely surprise of a day and much appreciated.

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