Time Passages

I only remembered I wanted a picture of this clock as it was before I started mending it, after I’d applied the glue to one edge! As I only had a limited time before the glue went off, I had to settle for a picture of it after I’d stuck the pieces together. If you look really closely, you can see where the glue has oozed out of the join. Which I’m not bothered about cleaning off, because this is the clock that will feature in the ballroom scene of our pantomime “Cinderella”. It is actually set to midnight but because it had split from top to bottom, it was easier to mend it lying on its side.
I still need to glue some reinforcement strips across the back in an attempt to stop it splitting again next time it is pushed into its housing. It’s a very tight fit and that’s what caused the problem in the first place. Should all be done by Sunday, in time for the next rehearsal. Or last rehearsal if you believe we may be locked down from 3rd January! Got to proceed on the basis that we will be able to perform though, so I’ll press on with the repair.
Should have had our lounge furniture delivered today, but I’d not held out any great hope. Phoned to see if they had a firm date and was told everything was in the warehouse and they been trying to contact me to arrange delivery! Well, I don’t know what number they’d been calling, but it definitely wasn’t mine. Anyway, delivery is now arranged for next Thursday. Not exactly brilliant because the hall floor is supposed to go down on the same day - could prove interesting! On the other hand, we will have taken all the Christmas decorations down by next week, so that will improve access. Don’t want to delay delivery - or the floor laying - any further, and I’m sure everything will work out with a bit of cooperation from all involved.

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